Option for SQL Differences display

Am I just missing where I could set an option to only see the differences in the SQL Differences view. As it is I have to scroll the entire contents searching for maybe one line that is different out of 2,000 lines. It is easy to miss. An example would be how Beyond Compare 2 allows you to chose the entries in the difference view. all, only mismatches, only orphans, etc.
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You can use the view T-SQL in groups option, though to see only sections of the SQL (for instance, just the columns, or just the constraints. I think your suggestion would be most useful for stored procedure code, though, as there's no other practical way of grouping it to hide unwanted information.
The other thing which would be highly useful are up/down arrows to "jump to next/previous" difference
+1 for next/previous, with hotkey support. It's only a small thing, but when eyeballing changes, having to scroll looking for the changes is minorly irritating some times. The minor irritation is far far outweighed by how cool SQL Compare is though