Compare specific tables

beorn107beorn107 Posts: 4
edited May 8, 2006 1:37PM in SQL Toolkit Previous Versions
Can anyone provide some example code ( preferred) or point me to some existing code that shows how to use the toolkit to compare a select list of tables.

For example I have a pubs db on 2 servers and I want to compare just the authors, sales and stores tables. I do not want to do a complete compare of the databases.

Thanks in advance.


  • Brian DonahueBrian Donahue Posts: 6,590 Bronze 1

    Do you want to comapre schema or data? For schema, it's a matter of changing the .Selected property in the loop that runs through the differences collection. For Data Compare, it's a bit different.
  • Thanks for the quick reply. I just want to compare schema. So how would I use the selected property in the below code to just compare certain database objects? Does using the selected property cause the sql compare engine to compare only the items I want versus all the items in the databases? Some of the databases are quite large and I don't want to compare everything everytime. Thanks!

    Dim db1 As Database = New Database
    Dim db2 As Database = New Database

    db1.Register(New ConnectionProperties("server1", "pubs"), Options.Default)
    db2.Register(New ConnectionProperties("server2", "pubs"), Options.Default)

    Dim differences As Differences = db1.CompareWith(db2, Options.Default)
    Dim difference As Difference

    For Each difference In differences
    Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}", difference.Type.ToString(), difference.DatabaseObjectType.ToString(), difference.Name)
    difference.Selected = True

  • Brian DonahueBrian Donahue Posts: 6,590 Bronze 1
    You can -- but the savings is mainly in the comparison processing time. The software still needs to gather up all of the schema for the databases first, which is the time-consuming bit.

    But, say you have a hashtable with a list of tables that you want to compare:
    Dim db1 As Database = New Database 
    Dim db2 As Database = New Database 
    Dim ht As Hashtable = New Hashtable
    db1.Register(New ConnectionProperties("server1", "pubs"), Options.Default) 
    db2.Register(New ConnectionProperties("server2", "pubs"), Options.Default) 
    Dim differences As Differences = db1.CompareWith(db2, Options.Default) 
    Dim difference As Difference 
    Dim sName As String
    For Each difference In differences 
       For Each sName In ht
    If sName=difference.Name Then
    difference.Selected = True 
    ELSE: difference.Selected=False
    End If
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