Reflector does not show the "strict" attribute
Posts: 26 Silver 1
When decompiling an assembly to IL using ILDasm, internal abstract or virtual methods typically have the "strict" attribute. However, Reflector does not show this attribute. As an example, you can look at System.Windows.Input.MouseDevice.GetButtonStateFromSystem() in PresentationCore.dll. The C# signature is:
When decompiling an assembly to IL using ILDasm, internal abstract or virtual methods typically have the "strict" attribute. However, Reflector does not show this attribute. As an example, you can look at System.Windows.Input.MouseDevice.GetButtonStateFromSystem() in PresentationCore.dll. The C# signature is:
internal abstract MouseButtonState GetButtonStateFromSystem(MouseButton mouseButton);Reflector shows the following IL signature:
.method assembly hidebysig newslot abstract virtual instance valuetype System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonState GetButtonStateFromSystem(valuetype System.Windows.Input.MouseButton mouseButton) cil managedILDasm shows the following IL signature:
.method assembly hidebysig newslot abstract strict virtual instance valuetype System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonState GetButtonStateFromSystem(valuetype System.Windows.Input.MouseButton mouseButton) cil managedNote the "strict" attribute in the ILDasm version after the "abstract" keyword.
Many thanks for the post! I've gone ahead and logged an issue for this with reference RP-3684.
Kind regards,
Jessica Ramos
Jessica Ramos | Product Support Engineer | Redgate Software
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