transaction log backup

on one of my server, I would get at least two failed jobs with 24 hours, I looked at the log file and it shows something like this. I am backing up my log file every 4 hours:
any idea as to why I keep getting at least 2 alerts for this type of error?
4/11/2006 12:00:19 PM: Backing up BWData (transaction log) to:\SQLBackups\local\usr_tlog_backup\LOG_(local)_BWData_20060411_120019.sqb
4/11/2006 12:00:19 PM: BACKUP LOG [BWData] TO DISK = 'D:\SQLBackups\local\usr_tlog_backup\LOG_(local)_BWData_20060411_120019.sqb' WITH NAME = '<AUTO>', DESCRIPTION = '<AUTO>', PASSWORD = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', KEYSIZE = 256, ERASEFILES = 2, COPYTO = '\\crs01\SQLBackups\CRSSQL2\local\usr_tlog_backup\', FILEOPTIONS = 1, COMPRESSION = 3, THREADS = 1
4/11/2006 12:00:34 PM: VDI error 1010: Failed to get configuration from server. Check that the SQL Server instance is running, and that you have the SQL Server Systems Administrator server role. Error code: (-2139684861: The api was waiting and the timeout interval had elapsed.)
4/11/2006 12:03:08 PM: SQL error 3013: BACKUP LOG is terminating abnormally.
4/11/2006 12:03:08 PM:
4/11/2006 12:03:08 PM: Memory profile
4/11/2006 12:03:08 PM: Type Maximum Minimum Average Blk count Total
4/11/2006 12:03:08 PM:
4/11/2006 12:03:08 PM: Commit 891027456 4096 1842779 974 1794867200
4/11/2006 12:03:08 PM: Reserve 4128768 4096 339866 162 55058432
4/11/2006 12:03:08 PM: Free 141926400 4096 1599421 186 297492480
4/11/2006 12:03:08 PM: Private 891027456 4096 3281230 551 1807958016
4/11/2006 12:03:08 PM: Mapped 1019904 4096 139673 50 6983680
4/11/2006 12:03:08 PM: Image 5828608 4096 65390 535 34983936
4/11/2006 12:03:08 PM:
4/11/2006 12:03:08 PM:
4/11/2006 12:03:08 PM: Warning 300: Backup failed. Retry attempt: 1
4/11/2006 12:03:10 PM: BACKUP LOG [BWData] TO DISK = 'D:\SQLBackups\local\usr_tlog_backup\LOG_(local)_BWData_20060411_120019.sqb' WITH NAME = 'Database (BWData), 4/11/2006 12:00:19 PM', DESCRIPTION = 'Backup on 4/11/2006 12:00:19 PM Server: CRSSQL2 Database: BWData', INIT, PASSWORD = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', KEYSIZE = 256, ERASEFILES = 2, COPYTO = '\\crsbk01\SQLBackups\CRSSQL2\local\usr_tlog_backup\', FILEOPTIONS = 1, COMPRESSION = 3, THREADS = 1
4/11/2006 12:03:11 PM: Backup data size : 704.000 KB
4/11/2006 12:03:11 PM: Compressed data size: 11.000 KB
4/11/2006 12:03:11 PM: Compression rate : 98.44%
Processed 1 pages for database 'BWData', file 'Log' on file 1.
BACKUP LOG successfully processed 1 pages in 0.025 seconds (0.040 MB/sec).
any idea as to why I keep getting at least 2 alerts for this type of error?
SQL Backup Consultant Developer
Associate, Yohz Software
Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8
SQL Backup Consultant Developer
Associate, Yohz Software
Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8