Drop Column and insert rows into table with linked data
I seem to have encountered an issue when I drop a column in a table with linked data and also add rows to the table in the same commit. When I go to deploy the package, the deployment manager seems to alter the table appropriately but fails when inserting rows into the table because the insert still references the now dropped columns.
1st commit inserts the following static data into this table:
CREATE TABLE [active].[lk_CaseListHeaderDefault]
[CaseListHeaderDefaultId] [int] NOT NULL IDENTITY(1, 1),
[LabelID] [varchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,
[HeaderName] [nvarchar] (250) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,
[Position] [int] NOT NULL,
[LabelTypeID] [int] NOT NULL,
[DateCreated] [datetime] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF__active_lk_CaseListHeaderDefault__DateCreated] DEFAULT (getutcdate()),
[DateModified] [datetime] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF__active_lk_CaseListHeaderDefault__DateModified] DEFAULT (getutcdate())
ALTER TABLE [active].[lk_CaseListHeaderDefault] ADD
CONSTRAINT [pk__active_CaseListHeaderDefault] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([CaseListHeaderDefaultId]) ON [PRIMARY]
SET IDENTITY_INSERT [active].[lk_CaseListHeaderDefault] ON
INSERT INTO [active].[lk_CaseListHeaderDefault] ([CaseListHeaderDefaultId], [LabelID], [HeaderName], [Position], [LabelTypeID], [DateCreated], [DateModified]) VALUES (17, 'DataFieldLabel1', N'Data Field Label 1', 17, 4, '2014-07-22 21:38:06.760', '2014-07-22 21:38:06.760')
INSERT INTO [active].[lk_CaseListHeaderDefault] ([CaseListHeaderDefaultId], [LabelID], [HeaderName], [Position], [LabelTypeID], [DateCreated], [DateModified]) VALUES (18, 'DataFieldLabel2', N'Data Field Label 2', 18, 4, '2014-07-22 21:38:06.760', '2014-07-22 21:38:06.760')
INSERT INTO [active].[lk_CaseListHeaderDefault] ([CaseListHeaderDefaultId], [LabelID], [HeaderName], [Position], [LabelTypeID], [DateCreated], [DateModified]) VALUES (19, 'DataFieldLabel3', N'Data Field Label 3', 19, 4, '2014-07-22 21:38:06.760', '2014-07-22 21:38:06.760')
INSERT INTO [active].[lk_CaseListHeaderDefault] ([CaseListHeaderDefaultId], [LabelID], [HeaderName], [Position], [LabelTypeID], [DateCreated], [DateModified]) VALUES (20, 'DataFieldLabel4', N'Data Field Label 4', 20, 4, '2014-07-22 21:38:06.760', '2014-07-22 21:38:06.760')
INSERT INTO [active].[lk_CaseListHeaderDefault] ([CaseListHeaderDefaultId], [LabelID], [HeaderName], [Position], [LabelTypeID], [DateCreated], [DateModified]) VALUES (21, 'DataFieldLabel5', N'Data Field Label 5', 21, 4, '2014-07-22 21:38:06.760', '2014-07-22 21:38:06.760')
INSERT INTO [active].[lk_CaseListHeaderDefault] ([CaseListHeaderDefaultId], [LabelID], [HeaderName], [Position], [LabelTypeID], [DateCreated], [DateModified]) VALUES (22, 'DataFieldLabel6', N'Data Field Label 6', 22, 4, '2014-07-22 21:38:06.760', '2014-07-22 21:38:06.760')
INSERT INTO [active].[lk_CaseListHeaderDefault] ([CaseListHeaderDefaultId], [LabelID], [HeaderName], [Position], [LabelTypeID], [DateCreated], [DateModified]) VALUES (23, 'DataFieldLabel7', N'Data Field Label 7', 23, 4, '2014-07-22 21:38:06.760', '2014-07-22 21:38:06.760')
INSERT INTO [active].[lk_CaseListHeaderDefault] ([CaseListHeaderDefaultId], [LabelID], [HeaderName], [Position], [LabelTypeID], [DateCreated], [DateModified]) VALUES (24, 'DataFieldLabel8', N'Data Field Label 8', 24, 4, '2014-07-22 21:38:06.760', '2014-07-22 21:38:06.760')
INSERT INTO [active].[lk_CaseListHeaderDefault] ([CaseListHeaderDefaultId], [LabelID], [HeaderName], [Position], [LabelTypeID], [DateCreated], [DateModified]) VALUES (25, 'DataFieldLabel9', N'Data Field Label 9', 25, 4, '2014-07-22 21:38:06.760', '2014-07-22 21:38:06.760')
INSERT INTO [active].[lk_CaseListHeaderDefault] ([CaseListHeaderDefaultId], [LabelID], [HeaderName], [Position], [LabelTypeID], [DateCreated], [DateModified]) VALUES (26, 'DataFieldLabel10', N'Data Field Label 10', 26, 4, '2014-07-22 21:38:06.760', '2014-07-22 21:38:06.760')
INSERT INTO [active].[lk_CaseListHeaderDefault] ([CaseListHeaderDefaultId], [LabelID], [HeaderName], [Position], [LabelTypeID], [DateCreated], [DateModified]) VALUES (27, 'DataFieldLabel11', N'Data Field Label 11', 27, 4, '2014-07-22 21:38:06.760', '2014-07-22 21:38:06.760')
INSERT INTO [active].[lk_CaseListHeaderDefault] ([CaseListHeaderDefaultId], [LabelID], [HeaderName], [Position], [LabelTypeID], [DateCreated], [DateModified]) VALUES (28, 'DataFieldLabel12', N'Data Field Label 12', 28, 4, '2014-07-22 21:38:06.760', '2014-07-22 21:38:06.760')
SET IDENTITY_INSERT [active].[lk_CaseListHeaderDefault] OFF
The subsequent commit modifies that table as follows:
ALTER TABLE [active].[lk_CaseListHeaderDefault]
DROP COLUMN [DateCreated]
ALTER TABLE [active].[lk_CaseListHeaderDefault]
DROP COLUMN [DateModified]
The behavior is such that when I deploy the package that contains these changes, the columns are dropped as specified, but the data insert still contains the values for the dropped columns resulting in the following error:
2014-07-24 17:08:37 -07:00 ERROR RedGate.Deploy.SqlServerDbPackage.Shared.Exceptions.InvalidSqlException: Dynamic deployment failed
2014-07-24 17:08:37 -07:00 ERROR Invalid column name 'DateCreated'.
2014-07-24 17:08:37 -07:00 ERROR Invalid column name 'DateModified'. ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Invalid column name 'DateCreated'.
2014-07-24 17:08:37 -07:00 ERROR Invalid column name 'DateModified'.
I was eventually able to deploy by reverting my changes and then recommitting and deploying each change separately. While this works it may not always be a viable solution. Hope this helps.
1) why its happening at all
2) why its not happening for me
I can only imagine we are using a different technique to create the nuget package. I am using TeamCity addins- are you using the SSMS addin?