Data compare output SQL file - DECLARE sections

planetawylieplanetawylie Posts: 10
Hi, when the SQL script file is produced for a data compare, you get the typical, eg:

null_value CHAR(#) := NULL;
statement1 CHAR(#);
statement1 := 'some statement'
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement1 USING 'some values'

1. How can I make each DECLARE section only be for one table, as it sometimes contains more than one.

2. How do I limit the number of statements included for execution in the DECLARE section. Seems to be currently limited to around 160 and I want to make it less.

3. Is there a way to output multiple SQL files instead of one large one?

Thanks, Andrew


  • Eddie DEddie D Posts: 1,798 Rose Gold 5
    Thank you for your forum post.

    By default, the deployment script is enclosed in a single transaction.

    There is an option in the Tools menu ->Application Options ->General Tab, that may help you to split the transactions.

    At the bottom of the General Tab there is an option that is turned off by default 'Split transactions/batch operations' and then you set the 'maximum transaction/batch size' which by default is set to 10MB.

    There are no options within the product to create multiple deployment scripts. The way around would reduce the number of tables and views whose data you wish to deploy. Create the deployment script. Return to the Comparison Results panel ->deselect the tables you just created the deployment script for and select the next table or tables to create the deployment script upon ->run the deployment wizard to create the deployment for this set of tables. Repeat as required until you have generated the required number of deployment scripts.

    Many Thanks
    Eddie Davis
    Senior Product Support Engineer
    Redgate Software Ltd
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