SQL Compare beta v11.0.0.198 is now available

We've now released the fifth beta of SQL Compare 11 (, which you can download from the Red Gate website.
The full release notes for all versions of SQL Compare v11 are available in this thread.
Features for this version:
This version includes additional support for memory-optimized tables. SQL Compare can now:
• deploy memory-optimized tables from a SQL Server 2014 database to a database on an older version of SQL Server as disk-based tables
• deploy memory-optimized tables from a SQL Server 2014 database to a SQL Server 2014 database with compatibility levels 100 and 110 as disk-based tables
• overwrite memory-optimized tables on a SQL Server 2014 database with disk-based tables
If your deployment includes memory-optimized tables, you need to:
• make sure that the target database has a memory-optimized filegroup
• turn on the ‘Do not use transactions in deployment scripts’ option
Known issues and upcoming improvements
We're currently working on adding support for:
• dropping and recreating database level triggers for CREATE TABLE and DROP TABLE statements on a target database when memory-optimized tables are deployed
• deployment using transactions for other objects types when they're deployed alongside memory-optimized tables. For example, if you deploy functions alongside memory-optimized tables, there will be no transaction block for the section in the deployment script for deploying the functions
• other new features in SQL Server 2014 including memory-optimized table types, natively compiled stored procedures, clustered columnstore indexes and incremental statistics. This latest SQL Compare beta may display incorrect SQL for these objects, and attempts to deploy them are likely to fail or result in incorrect deployment
N.B. SQL Compare 11 won't include support for comparing and deploying backup files (native or SQL Backup) containing memory-optimized tables.
Bug fixes
This version includes the following fixes:
• SC-7331: Foreign keys in referencing tables are no longer dropped and recreated when the referencing tables are not selected for deployment as dependencies
• SC-7321: Fix for the issue where tables on case-sensitive databases in non-default schemas can’t be mapped
• SC-6814: Deploying permission changes to scripts folder no longer deletes all permissions and leaves the scripts blank
• SC-5287: Fix for the issue where SQL Compare is unable to load DLLs related to SQL Source Control
The full release notes for all versions of SQL Compare v11 are available in this thread.
Features for this version:
This version includes additional support for memory-optimized tables. SQL Compare can now:
• deploy memory-optimized tables from a SQL Server 2014 database to a database on an older version of SQL Server as disk-based tables
• deploy memory-optimized tables from a SQL Server 2014 database to a SQL Server 2014 database with compatibility levels 100 and 110 as disk-based tables
• overwrite memory-optimized tables on a SQL Server 2014 database with disk-based tables
If your deployment includes memory-optimized tables, you need to:
• make sure that the target database has a memory-optimized filegroup
• turn on the ‘Do not use transactions in deployment scripts’ option
Known issues and upcoming improvements
We're currently working on adding support for:
• dropping and recreating database level triggers for CREATE TABLE and DROP TABLE statements on a target database when memory-optimized tables are deployed
• deployment using transactions for other objects types when they're deployed alongside memory-optimized tables. For example, if you deploy functions alongside memory-optimized tables, there will be no transaction block for the section in the deployment script for deploying the functions
• other new features in SQL Server 2014 including memory-optimized table types, natively compiled stored procedures, clustered columnstore indexes and incremental statistics. This latest SQL Compare beta may display incorrect SQL for these objects, and attempts to deploy them are likely to fail or result in incorrect deployment
N.B. SQL Compare 11 won't include support for comparing and deploying backup files (native or SQL Backup) containing memory-optimized tables.
Bug fixes
This version includes the following fixes:
• SC-7331: Foreign keys in referencing tables are no longer dropped and recreated when the referencing tables are not selected for deployment as dependencies
• SC-7321: Fix for the issue where tables on case-sensitive databases in non-default schemas can’t be mapped
• SC-6814: Deploying permission changes to scripts folder no longer deletes all permissions and leaves the scripts blank
• SC-5287: Fix for the issue where SQL Compare is unable to load DLLs related to SQL Source Control
This issue (SC-7359) will be fixed in the next beta of SQL Compare 11, however until then you should not disable the "Ignore Filegroups" option or you will need to either edit your scripts to remove any occurrences of ON []
-Project Manager
-Red Gate Software Ltd