Unmodified DLLs are not including in package.
Redgate deployement manager is excluding the unmodified DLLs.
Ex: System defined DLLs.
It is including only modified files and DLLs.
Ex: System defined DLLs.
It is including only modified files and DLLs.
To change the copy local setting, right click on the relevant reference in your project, click on 'Properties...', and from the Properties window, find the 'Copy Local' setting.
Note that it's not normal to copy assemblies that are part of the .NET framework (i.e. most of the System.* assemblies) - you should instead make sure that the appropriate .NET framework version is installed on the target machine.
Redgate Software
I had set the reference property 'Copy Local' flag set to true for those references which i was needed in my deployment.
I am facing this issues.
Note: I am creating the package from TFS using MSBuild command.
1. I have made the changes in 10 dll out 20.
2. Created the package and deployed it to test(Package Version 1.0.1)
3. Made some changes in 3 dll out 20.
4. Created the package and deployed it to test(Package Version 1.0.2)
5. Now i will deployed the version 1.0.2 to staging.
I am facing the issues in step 5.
It was updating only those 3 dll's in staging instead of 10 out 20 dll's which are modified during package verison 1.0.2.
It is considering the only modified dll's during deployment.
I am looking for the solution that it should get all the dll's from source directory because i am seeing all the referenced dll's in source directory but all are not including in package.
Thanks in advance,
Why are you only changing settings for 13 dlls out of 20? What about the other 7? Are they system dlls that you believe should already exist on the machine that you are deploying to?
I suggest you follow these steps:
- Delete your build output directory from disk
- Change the Copy Local setting to true for all dlls that are needed for your build to work.
- Do the build now. All dlls that you modified 'Copy Local' for, should exist within the build output directory.
Software Engineer - Deployment Manager
Red Gate
I fixed this issue.
The issue is in .csproj file.
Before using redgate DM we were using multiple branches for different environment and our Libraries are in different directory for different branches.
When i started using redgate deployment manager it was taking old directory references and that directory was having old dll.
I found this issue in .csproj file and modified the hint reference path to latest dll directory.
When we started using redgate DM we removed multiple branches and everything we are handling with only one branch.
Now everything is working fine and the package is including the latest dll.