Nice to have

AlexGAlexG Posts: 24
edited April 10, 2006 8:57AM in SQL Compare Previous Versions

I would like to make request to Sql compare developers.
please make option to add custom note or script at begining of file
(before of after comments) :) and make file read only


'script= put you file name'+ char(13)+
@servername as char(20))+ char(13)+
'dbname= ' + cast(DB_NAME()as char(20)) + char(13) +
'execution date= '+ cast(getdate()as char(24))+ char(13)+
'executed by = '+ system_user

1. It will force standards when working with team of programmers
2. it will allow to save execution output as proof deployment for auditing

I already posted same question in forum ... servername


  • Brian DonahueBrian Donahue Posts: 6,590 Bronze 1

    Thanks, we can sure look into it. In my opinion, a USE statement should go here, too, to prevent you from running the script on the wrong server if you're in the habit of saving the script and running it later!
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