Bug in Time with Children. Is v8.6 stuffed?

camioscamios Posts: 8
edited July 15, 2014 7:03PM in ANTS Performance Profiler 8
After running with Line-level profiling, the Call tree and Current Call graph is showing a child having greater than 100% of the parent's time. i.e. the child's (time/ticks/percent) is more than the parent.



  • The "Time" column is time spent *exclusively* in the method. "Time with children" is everything else- the times are entirely independent.
  • "Time with children" is everything else- the times are entirely independent.

    I thought Time with Children was the Inclusive time. i.e. Sum of your exclusive time and sum of children's exclusive time. And it should never exceed your parent's inclusive time (Time with Children)!
  • Oh and your help documentation agrees "Time With Children: the total execution time for the method and all its children within this stack trace."

    I think you've got a bug to fix Red Gate!
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