INSERT - SELECT formatting issues w/ SQL Prompt 6.x
Posts: 71 Bronze 4
I'm trying to format my INSERT / SELECT code and when I use CTRL+K+Y, my SELECT statement gets indented under the INSERT like so:
I would normally expect the SELECT portion to align with the INSERT, but can't seem to find the formatting option that would do this in SQL Prompt. Can anyone point me in the right direction or does this need to be a new feature request?
INSERT dbo.MyTable ( MyTableName , Description ) SELECT '' AS MyTableName , '' AS Description
I would normally expect the SELECT portion to align with the INSERT, but can't seem to find the formatting option that would do this in SQL Prompt. Can anyone point me in the right direction or does this need to be a new feature request?
We've updated the beta to format SELECT/INSERT like this, to get this build see our forum post here.
We've moved this to an option in the latest beta (it's off by default so as not to affect anyone who was expecting the old style as happened with Jim) which can be found under Format->Data statements->Align SELECT with INSERT