Trouble generating script for previous version of SQL Server

ChillierChillier Posts: 11
edited June 4, 2014 8:44AM in SQL Packager Previous Versions
I am trying to generate a schema definition script from SQL Server 2012 and run the script on a 2008 version.

Help says there is an option: ... SQL+Server

"Choose the option to create an "upgrade to an existing database"

I cannot find this option...



  • Hi- this might be a bit of a doc bug. The packager option is actually labelled:

    "Package an upgrade to a database"
  • Fixed it - a very strange error.

    My views contained joins of local tables/views and linked-server tables/views.

    The linked-server tables/views had to be LAST in the join sequences for the views to work on 2008.

    Go figure...

    But yes, the documentation was a bit misleading.
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