Error: The selected objects are identical or no objects ..

I have seen solutions for the same issue in SQL Compare but cannot seem to see where I can select the objects for deployment in SQL Data Compare .
this is the error (sensitive details redacted)
I just want a report of the differences in the Databases for this script and in this case they are identical which is valid not an error
I have seen solutions for the same issue in SQL Compare but cannot seem to see where I can select the objects for deployment in SQL Data Compare .
this is the error (sensitive details redacted)
C:\source\branches\Data\Projects\ZZReference\DataCompare>SQLDataCompare /Argfile:xjsjrrsdkdLiveReport.xml
SQL Data Compare: activated, edition: professional, serial number: 507-001-205889-95C7
Red Gate SQL Data Compare Command Line Utility V10.4.8.62
Copyright c Red Gate Software Ltd 1999-2013
Loading synchronization parameters from project file: C:\source\branches\Data\Projects\ZZReference\DataCompare\ZZReferenceDataLiveToZZReferenceDataDev_xjsjrrsdkd.sdc
Comparing database DEVSERVER.ZZReferenceData2 with database DEVSERVER.ZZReferenceData...
Registering databases
Comparing databases
Error: The selected objects are identical or no objects have been selected in the comparison.
I just want a report of the differences in the Databases for this script and in this case they are identical which is valid not an error
Need to see the contents of your /Argfile:xjsjrrsdkdLiveReport.xml to answer correctly.
I suspect that you need to include the following switches in your xml argument file.
Or user specified /Include[/list]
The command line help for SQL Data Compare is available via this LINK.
Many Thanks
Senior Product Support Engineer
Redgate Software Ltd
The reporting module of SQL Data Compare simply exports the comparison results into a set of CSV files dependent upon the 'Rows to Include' option.
SQL Data Compare does not generate reports of the type (Interactive HTML, Simple HTML and XML) available in SQL Compare.
If you would like SQL Data Compare to generate reports similar to the report types available in SQL Compare, I recommend that you comment and vote on this SQL Data Compare User Voice TOPIC.
The User Voice Forum is the preferred method of submitting a feature request. The User Voice forum is actively monitored by the Product Managers and Development Teams. The more votes and comments a topic receives will increase its chances of being included in a future version of the product.
Many Thanks
Senior Product Support Engineer
Redgate Software Ltd
Always having to generate a full difference is not ideal with larger data sets but as we have to include identical I assume there is no other way at the moment. The Summary csv is fine fro our needs but can seem to be generated on its own
It only generates the "Results Summary.csv" report file and still an individual .csv file for each different object
sqldatacompare /Include:Identical /Exclude:Identical /server1:.. /database1:.. ...
Thanks for your post.
I think it would be better if a new topic was created for this given how old the original post was.
Anyway, the 'exclude' switch will be applied as it overrides the 'include' one. Therefore, identical results will be missing from the reports.
Please remember that if you have a support contract you can always send us a ticket so that a dedicated product specialist can investigate your issues.
Kind regards
Richard Lynch.
Redgate Software
Thanks for your reply
Actually I just wanted to share my findings for people with the same requirements
Thanks for your reply.
Sure, no worries.
Thanks again for the post.
Redgate Software