sql log rescue and SQL server cluster
Posts: 2
Does anyone know if SQL log rescue work with SQL 2k cluster?
Thanks a lot
Thanks a lot
Absolutely yes! I'd just given it a quick run on my SQL 2000 cluster server from my local workstation. If it gives you any trouble please let me know!
How can I install Log Rescue on sql 2k cluster?
That's a good question. There in only one server component, and that is the extended stored procedure, which is a dll and an entry in the master database. Log Rescue, when run from the client workstation, will automatically install and configure this. Now what I don't know is what happens when the server fails over. I think in that case, the configuration would fail over, but I can't see the .dll file getting copied automatically. I think that if this happens, you can manually uninstall and reinstall the extended stored procedure from the Tools menu of Log Rescue. I'd imagine that would straighten it out again.