Long Running Query Alert - What Does It Capture

WHy does the LRQ (Long Running Query) alert sometimes capture the actual T-SQL code as shown in #1 below and at other times captures the sturcture and not the values as shown in #2 below? The second one does not show you the actual values being inserted.
INSERT INTO [dbo].[MYTABLE]( @col1, @col2, @colN)
VALUES (1, 'a', 'WhatThe')
(@1 int,@2 varchar(1),@3 varchar(256) ) INSERT INTO [MYTABLE]( @col1, @col2, @colN)
VALUES (@1, @2, @3)
INSERT INTO [dbo].[MYTABLE]( @col1, @col2, @colN)
VALUES (1, 'a', 'WhatThe')
(@1 int,@2 varchar(1),@3 varchar(256) ) INSERT INTO [MYTABLE]( @col1, @col2, @colN)
VALUES (@1, @2, @3)
Hope this helps.
If the client were using ado.net insetad of ODBC would help? Do you know if there is anything that can be done at the SQL Server end to change this or is this just one of those things you're stuck with?