Get rid of web.*.config files after deployment
Posts: 4
In addition to getting rid of web.*.config files we also keep our actual appSettings and connectionStrings values in a Config directory
Special requirement: when deploying to QC, we want to keep our Prod configs to help makes our production deployments a little easier.
- Dev
- QA
- QC
- We do not currently have a Prod environment due to firewall requirements, but do maintain Prod configs
- Confg\Dev\appSettings.config
- Config\QA\connectionStrings.config
Special requirement: when deploying to QC, we want to keep our Prod configs to help makes our production deployments a little easier.
<# This is the post deployment script that will run after Red Gate Deployment Manager completes a deployment to one of the servers Expected Red Gate Variables: $RedGateEnvironmentName - should be either null, Dev, QA, QC This script should be placed at the root of every web site or web application that will be deployed using Deployment Manager This script will remove the web.*.config files and will delete the Configuration/* directories that don't apply to the current environment Example config files, if the current environment is QA: Web.config -> this file gets transformed Web.Debug.config -> will be deleted Web.Dev.config -> will be deleted Web.QA.config -> Deployment Manager will run this transform after the release config, this file will be deleted Web.QC.config -> will be deleted Web.Prod.config -> will be deleted Web.Release.config -> Deployment Manager always runs this file's transformations first Example config directories, if the current environment is QA: Configurations/Debug -> will be deleted Configurations/Dev -> will be deleted Configurations/QA -> will NOT be deleted Configurations/QC -> will be deleted Configurations/Prod -> will be deleted. If the current environment is QC, then this will not be deleted in order to aid with the deployment process #> # log file $stream = [System.IO.StreamWriter] "PostDeployLog.log" # name of, coming from Deployment Manager $environmentName = $RedGateEnvironmentName # path that the script is running in $scriptPath = split-path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition if(!$environmentName) { $stream.WriteLine("Environment not found. Will do nothing") } else { $stream.WriteLine("Environment is " + $environmentName) # delete config transform files $webConfigs = Get-ChildItem web.*.config foreach($file in $webConfigs) { $stream.WriteLine("Removing file: " + $file) Remove-Item $file.Name $stream.WriteLine("File removed: " + $file) $stream.WriteLine("") } # end delete config transform files # Delete config directories [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$directInf = New-Object IO.DirectoryInfo($scriptPath + "\Configurations") $folders = $directInf.GetDirectories() $stream.WriteLine("") $stream.WriteLine("Deleting unnecessary folders in the Configurations directory") foreach($directory in $folders) { $stream.WriteLine("Current directory is: " + $directory.Name) <# This is a mild attempt to reduce cyclomatic complexity if the current environment is QC and current directory is QC dont delete if the current environment is QC and the current directory is Prod dont delete if the current environment is QC and is any other directory delete if the current environment is not QC and the folder is the same as the environment dont delete if the current environment is not QC and the folder is not the same as the environment delete #> $isQcEnvironment = [string]::Compare($environmentName, "QC", $True) $currentDirectoryIsQc = [string]::Compare($directory.Name, "QC", $True) $currentDirectoryIsProd = [string]::Compare($directory.Name, "Prod", $True) $isFolderSameAsEnvironment = [string]::Compare($directory.Name, $environmentName, $True) if ($isQcEnvironment -eq 0 -and $currentDirectoryIsQc -eq 0) { $stream.WriteLine("Don't delete QC folder") } elseif($isQcEnvironment -eq 0 -and $currentDirectoryIsProd -eq 0) { $stream.WriteLine("Don't delete Prod folder") } elseif($isQcEnvironment -eq 0) { $stream.WriteLine("Delete " + $directory.Name + " folder") $removalName = $directory.FullName $stream.WriteLine($removalName) Remove-Item $removalName -recurse } elseif($isQcEnvironment -ne 0 -and $isFolderSameAsEnvironment -eq 0) { $stream.WriteLine("Don't delete " + $directory.Name + " folder") } elseif($isQcEnvironment -ne 0 -and $isFolderSameAsEnvironment -ne 0) { $stream.WriteLine("Delete " + $directory.Name + " folder") $removalName = $directory.FullName $stream.WriteLine($removalName) Remove-Item $removalName -recurse } $stream.WriteLine("") } # end Delete config directories } $stream.close()