How can i read a saved ExecuteBlock.SaveToFile back in

mkquinnmkquinn Posts: 4
edited March 9, 2006 12:43PM in SQL Toolkit Previous Versions
is there any way to read the sql scripted that was created with
ExecutionBlock.SaveToFile back into the ExecutionBlock and have the Utils
execute it?

what i need is to be able to do a compare and save off the sql script and later execute that script

mick q


  • Brian DonahueBrian Donahue Posts: 6,590 Bronze 1

    Sorry, it's not possible to read a script back into an ExecutionBlock and it is indeed very difficult to construct an ExecutionBlock manually.

    The best workaround is probably to save the script from SQL Compare and then use a third-party utility (OSQL.exe) or ADO .NET to run it.
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