Update to 4.0 Unable to detect Base Monitor

tleblanctleblanc Posts: 17 Bronze 2
edited January 21, 2014 9:09PM in SQL Monitor Previous Versions
The credentials supplied to the package were not recognized

This is the error I get when trying to connect to the base monitor. The monitor and the web server are on the same machine and it was working before I updated to 4.0. Trying to connect to port 7399 which was available according to the installation wizard.

I do have an email into support (#11095).

Any idea to which credentials this message refers?


  • tleblanctleblanc Posts: 17 Bronze 2
    It was the account for the application pool that finally did the trick.
  • PDinCAPDinCA Posts: 642 Silver 1
    As I just bumped into the same issue and am NOT IIS6 cognisant, may I request that the documentation at http://documentation.red-gate.com/display/SM4/Using+SQL+Monitor+with+IIS be updated as the wizard description is not what is shown in my IIS6 environment, especially as there is absolutely no mention of the bolded "Allow anonymous access to this Web site" at point 3.f.

    The only reason why the problem may be traced to a credential issue is if one uses the Test Connection button and sees within the output that there's a yellow warning triangle - it shows the message below:
    The server is configured to use pass-through authentication with a built-in account to access the specified physical path. However, IIS Manager cannot verify whether the built-in account has access. Make sure that the application pool identity has Read access to the physical path. If this server is joined to a domain, and the application pool identity is NetworkService or LocalSystem, verify that <domain>\<computer_name>$ has Read access to the physical path. Then test these settings again.
    The THIRD sentence holds the clue: "Application Pool", "Physical Path", so methinks "maybe the 'Connect as...' should be the App Pool login?" - YEP!

    One hour spent chasing down an issue I probably need not have had for an Upgrade exercise that is really and truly, in IIS6 terms, a nigh fresh install.
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    Decide wisely...
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