Run any sql script (from a web server)
Posts: 20
Prerequisite: Install of SQLPS.
$ElapsedStopWatch = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() # $RedGatePackageDirectoryPath is the On Deck Circle where the package is initial extracted. # if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($RedGatePackageDirectoryPath)) { $RedGatePackageDirectoryPath = "D:\On Deck Circle\MigrationScript" } "The package binaries are in " + $RedGatePackageDirectoryPath | Write-Host "Running migration script for environment " + $RedGateEnvironmentName | Write-Host if ($IsRollback.ToLower() -eq "true") { "Rolling the Data synch for " + $RedGateEnvironmentName | Write-Host if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ApplicationRollbackPath)) { $ApplicationRollbackPath = "D:\ApplicationRollback\MigrationScript" } "The backup directory is " + $ApplicationRollbackPath | Write-Host set-location $ApplicationRollbackPath get-location $out = $RedGatePackageDirectoryPath + "\" + "UnDoMigration.log" $inputFile = $RedGatePackageDirectoryPath + "\" + $UnDoMigrationScript invoke-sqlcmd -ServerInstance $TargetSqlServer -Database $TargetDatabaseName -InputFile $inputFile | format-table | out-file -filePath $out } else { "Deploying Data Synch to " + $RedGateEnvironmentName | Write-Host # these steps are crucial set-location $RedGatePackageDirectoryPath get-location $out = $RedGatePackageDirectoryPath + "\" + "DoMigration.log" $inputFile = $RedGatePackageDirectoryPath + "\" + $DoMigrationScript invoke-sqlcmd -ServerInstance $TargetSqlServer -Database $TargetDatabaseName -InputFile $inputFile | format-table | out-file -filePath $out Copy-Item $RedGatePackageDirectoryPath $ApplicationRollbackPath -force -recurse } # Stop the timer $elapsedTime = $ElapsedStopWatch.Elapsed.ToString() $elapsedTime | Write-Host