conquistadorstconquistadorst Posts: 10
Looking for a little guidance before I spend another 16 hours trying to make sense of this.

Is SQL SDK8 incompatible with SQL 2012? We've recently upgraded our SQL Server from 2008 R2 to 2012 and suddenly the SDK seems to have stopped working, only providing an unintelligible error on a final Dispose method coming from Redgate.Shared.Utils. I thought OK, "let's try swapping out the SDK with version 10 and see if that fixes it". Which brings me now to my 2nd issue where it doesn't work with VB.net on .net 3.5 or newer!?! (source: http://www.red-gate.com/messageboard/vi ... hp?t=15329) And spits an even less helpful error than the first. I tried converting the single project in the solution to C# but I'm afraid the single project out of the solution isn't enough because the error is still there.

What is my best option here?


  • Thanks for your post,

    Yes, we didn't support SQL 2012 until v10 of the tool.

    The .net 3.5 is also resolved in the latest version.

    Hopefully upgrading should get you back up and running, but let us know if have have another other issues.
  • Thanks for your post,

    Yes, we didn't support SQL 2012 until v10 of the tool.

    The .net 3.5 is also resolved in the latest version.

    Hopefully upgrading should get you back up and running, but let us know if have have another other issues.

    I'm already trying SDK 10 in VB.net and it produces the compilation error at runtime I referenced in my original post:

    BC30560: 'ExtensionAttribute' is ambiguous in the namespace 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices'.

    I reproduced this error in a new simple blank VB.net web app project with the same result. The project will not run and compile in .net 3.5 or newer. I also determined that not only do you have to downgrade any projects using the SDK, but any project referencing a project that uses the SDK i.e. downgrade the entire solution to .net 2.0 which is impossible for nearly all practical situations. The issue doesn't seem to be resolved in SDK 10, is there a newer version than that available somewhere?
  • Sorry for the delay, I didn't notice your last reply.

    Could you try the following build:
    ftp://support.red-gate.com/patches/SQLC ... 225463.exe
  • Sorry for the delay, I didn't notice your last reply.

    Could you try the following build:
    ftp://support.red-gate.com/patches/SQLC ... 225463.exe

    Yes! Finally it works! I did some preliminary tests and everything seems to be checking out OK. Which is a big relief because the last option we were pursuing here was bringing up a separate SQL Box to stay on 2008 R2 for just a single app but would have cascaded many, many changes to other apps.

    There did seem to be one minor notable change since the last release though. The bitwise previous operators to combine options seemed to have changed from using simple "Or" statements to a "Plus" function you guys are now including.

    It changed from:
    Dim differences As Differences = DB1.CompareWith(DB2, Options.Default Or Options.IgnoreTriggers Or Options.IgnoreIndexes)
    Dim differences As Differences = DB1.CompareWith(DB2, Options.Default.Plus(Options.IgnoreTriggers).Plus(Options.IgnoreIndexes))
  • That's great, thanks for letting me know.

    The options in the previous version used to be an enum, now they're a type, which is why you need to use the plus() method rather than the bitwise OR to combine the options.
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