Ignoring Extended Properties?
I've got two snapshots where the only difference is an extended property with the schema version. When I look at the command line options for SQLCompare it implies that it should include extended properties unless I use the /o:ie argument. When I run the following command line, however, it seems to ignore extended properties by default:
SQLCompare.exe /f /sf:"C:\Projects\Guestbook\trunk\bin\database\Guestbook_1.0.7.0-1.0.8.sql" /sn1:"C:\Projects\Guestbook\trunk\bin\database\Guestbook.snp" /sn2:"R:\Guestbook\1.0\7\database\Guestbook.snp" /v
Is there any way to tell SQLCompare to consider extended properties in the comparison?
SQLCompare.exe /f /sf:"C:\Projects\Guestbook\trunk\bin\database\Guestbook_1.0.7.0-1.0.8.sql" /sn1:"C:\Projects\Guestbook\trunk\bin\database\Guestbook.snp" /sn2:"R:\Guestbook\1.0\7\database\Guestbook.snp" /v
Is there any way to tell SQLCompare to consider extended properties in the comparison?
The short answer is that it shouldn't be ignoring the extended properties. If you wanted to test different sets of options, though, overriding the default options requires you to explicitly include all options on the command line!