Configure Application Pool for a Sepcific User on IIS7
Emma A
Posts: 42
Script to change an application Pool to be run as a specific user
Brief notes on how to use this script:
Brief notes on how to use this script:
Add $appPoolId variable to the Deplopyment Manager project and give it the name of the application pool you want to change e.g. applicationPoolName or $(RedGateCreateWebSiteApplicationPool) if you are creating the application pool so they have the same value.
Add $appPoolUsername variable which is the name and domain of the person you want to run as e.g. Domain\Username
Add $appPoolPassword - the password for the username you specified above.
#variable $appPoolId - the applicationpoolIdentity you want to change #variable $appPoolUsername - the name and domain of the person you want to run as e.g. Domain\Username #variable $appPoolPassword - the password for the username you specified above. # Search for Microsoft.Web.Administration.dll in file system $directoryToSearch = $env:systemroot Write-Host "Searching for Microsoft.Web.Administration.dll in '$directoryToSearch'..." $webDllDirectory = Get-ChildItem -Path $directoryToSearch -Filter Microsoft.Web.Administration.dll -Recurse -ErrorAction 'silentlycontinue' ` | where { $_.DirectoryName.Contains("SysWOW64") -or $_.DirectoryName.Contains($env:windir + "\assembly")} ` | select -First 1 if ($webDllDirectory -eq $null) { throw "Could not find 'Microsoft.Web.Administration.dll'. It is required to start/stop '$websiteToStartOrStop' website." } # Load the dll (console output of the command is deleted) [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom($webDllDirectory.DirectoryName.toString() + "\Microsoft.Web.Administration.dll") | Out-Null $serverManager = new-object Microsoft.Web.Administration.ServerManager # From all sites, select the site we want to start $appPool = $serverManager.ApplicationPools[$appPoolId] if ($appPool -eq $null) { # Fail the script and exit if cannot find the applicationpool throw "Could not find application pool with name: $appPool" } #Update the application pool to run as a specific user. $appPool.ProcessModel.IdentityType="3"; #identityType 3 is SpecificUser $appPool.ProcessModel.UserName = $appPoolUsername; $appPool.ProcessModel.Password = $appPoolPassword; $serverManager.CommitChanges();