
Method not found: System.Threading.Tasks.Task

rantoxrantox Posts: 8
edited August 20, 2013 11:37AM in Deployment Manager
When I try to deploy a small package I get this error:
2013-08-12 15:34:31 INFO   Evaluating deployment variables
2013-08-12 15:34:31 INFO   Begin deployment
2013-08-12 15:34:31 DEBUG  Deploying package Test_DB 1.0.0 to agent http://localhost:10301/
2013-08-12 15:34:32 ERROR  Deployment on the Agent failed.
2013-08-12 15:34:32 INFO   Agent output follows:
2013-08-12 15:34:31 DEBUG  Begin deployment of package: Test_DB.1.0.0
2013-08-12 15:34:31 DEBUG  Deployment Agent information is below:
2013-08-12 15:34:31 DEBUG   - Machine name:      DEV-01
2013-08-12 15:34:31 DEBUG   - Is 64-bit:         False
2013-08-12 15:34:31 DEBUG   - Service user name: SYSTEM
2013-08-12 15:34:31 DEBUG   - CLR version:       4.0.30319.225
2013-08-12 15:34:31 DEBUG   - Current directory: C:\Windows\system32
2013-08-12 15:34:31 DEBUG   - OS version:        Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7600.0
2013-08-12 15:34:31 DEBUG   - Agent version:
2013-08-12 15:34:31 DEBUG  Installing package Test_DB.1.0.0 from uploaded package cache into C:\ProgramData\Red Gate\DeploymentAgent\Applications\MyDev\Test_DB\1.0.0_2
2013-08-12 15:34:31 INFO   Successfully installed 'Test_DB 1.0.0'.
2013-08-12 15:34:31 DEBUG  The following variables are available:
2013-08-12 15:34:31 DEBUG   - [RedGateEnvironmentName] = 'MyDev'
2013-08-12 15:34:31 DEBUG   - [RedGateMachineName] = 'LOCAL'
2013-08-12 15:34:31 DEBUG   - [RedGateReleaseNumber] = '1.0.0'
2013-08-12 15:34:31 DEBUG   - [RedGatePackageName] = 'Test_DB'
2013-08-12 15:34:31 DEBUG   - [RedGatePackageVersion] = '1.0.0'
2013-08-12 15:34:31 DEBUG   - [RedGatePackageNameAndVersion] = 'Test_DB.1.0.0'
2013-08-12 15:34:31 DEBUG   - [RedGateProjectName] = 'Test_DB'
2013-08-12 15:34:31 DEBUG   - [RedGateTaskId] = 'tasks-291'
2013-08-12 15:34:31 DEBUG   - [RedGateReleasedBy] = 'administrator'
2013-08-12 15:34:31 DEBUG   - [RedGateDeployedBy] = 'administrator'
2013-08-12 15:34:31 DEBUG   - [RedGateDeploymentAgentVersion] = ''
2013-08-12 15:34:31 DEBUG  The package has the following requirements: RedGate.Deploy.SqlServerDbPackage.1069b0e8-ff61-414e-95bb-cea5878180d4
2013-08-12 15:34:31 INFO   Conventions will be run in the following order:
2013-08-12 15:34:31 INFO    - Run PreDeploy.ps1
2013-08-12 15:34:31 INFO    - Apply .config transforms
2013-08-12 15:34:31 INFO    - Update appSettings/connectionStrings in .config(s)
2013-08-12 15:34:31 INFO    - Copy package
2013-08-12 15:34:31 INFO    - Database package deployment plugin
2013-08-12 15:34:31 INFO    - Run Deploy.ps1
2013-08-12 15:34:31 INFO    - Configure IIS
2013-08-12 15:34:31 INFO    - Delete package file
2013-08-12 15:34:31 INFO    - Run PostDeploy.ps1
2013-08-12 15:34:31 DEBUG  Looking for PowerShell scripts named PreDeploy.ps1
2013-08-12 15:34:31 INFO   Calling PowerShell script: 'C:\ProgramData\Red Gate\DeploymentAgent\Applications\MyDev\Test_DB\1.0.0_2\RedGate\PreDeploy.ps1'
2013-08-12 15:34:31 DEBUG  Script 'C:\ProgramData\Red Gate\DeploymentAgent\Applications\MyDev\Test_DB\1.0.0_2\RedGate\PreDeploy.ps1' completed.
2013-08-12 15:34:31 DEBUG  Script output:
2013-08-12 15:34:31 DEBUG  Unhandled error:
System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1<!!0> System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FromResult(!!0)'.
   at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl..ctor(XmlNameTable nt)
   at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl..ctor(String url, TextReader input, XmlNameTable nt)
   at System.Xml.XmlTextReader..ctor(TextReader input)
   at System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.TypeTable.Initialize(String snapinName, String fileToLoad, Collection`1 errors, AuthorizationManager authorizationManager, PSHost host)
   at System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.TypeTable.Update(Collection`1 PSSnapinFiles, AuthorizationManager authorizationManager, PSHost host)
   at System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.RunspaceConfiguration.UpdateTypes()
   at System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.RunspaceConfiguration.Initialize(ExecutionContext executionContext)
   at System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.RunspaceConfiguration.Bind(ExecutionContext executionContext)
   at System.Management.Automation.AutomationEngine..ctor(PSHost hostInterface, RunspaceConfiguration runspaceConfiguration, InitialSessionState iss)
   at System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.LocalRunspace.DoOpenHelper()
   at System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.LocalRunspace.OpenHelper(Boolean syncCall)
   at System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.RunspaceBase.CoreOpen(Boolean syncCall)
   at System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.RunspaceBase.Open()
   at RedGate.Deploy.Agent.Deployment.Integration.PowerShell.PowerShellRunner.IsolatedScriptRunner.Execute(PowerShellArguments arguments)

2013-08-12 15:34:31 DEBUG  Return code of PowerShell script: -8
2013-08-12 15:34:31 ERROR  PowerShell script 'C:\ProgramData\Red Gate\DeploymentAgent\Applications\MyDev\Test_DB\1.0.0_2\RedGate\PreDeploy.ps1' returned non-zero exit code: -8. Deployment terminated.

I'm running the version 4.5 of the framework.


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    This isn't something we've seen before. Can I ask you what version of Powershell you have installed on the target machine?
    Development Lead
    Redgate Software
  • Options
    Powershell version:

    Major Minor Build Revision

    2 0 -1 -1

    Microsoft .Net Framework 4.5

    Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 (RTM) - 10.50.1600.1 (X64) Apr 2 2010 15:48:46 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Enterprise Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.1 <X64> (Build 7600: ) (Hypervisor)
  • Options
    I'm afraid we're still unable to reproduce this problem. There seems to be something odd about the .NET framework version on your target machine though; the Agent is reporting CLR version 4.0.30319.225, which is a .Net framework 4.0 version, not 4.5. The RTM version of .Net 4.5 should report 4.0.30319.17929.

    Can I just check that you've given me the version information from the machine/virtual machine that the Deployment Agent is installed on?

    The reason I'm asking this is that the error is occurring while trying to create the Powershell host environment in the Deployment Agent (i.e. on your target machine, not the Deployment Manager server). From the stack trace it looks like there's some sort of mismatch between .Net 4.5 code in the Powershell library (the reference to Task.FromResult, which is a 4.5 specific method) and the framework assemblies loaded into the AppDomain.
    Development Lead
    Redgate Software
  • Options
    I think I got the issue: the machine had a new version of the .NET framework but it's never been rebooted. A reboot fixed it
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