Command line + /project switch + source control data source

JurePJureP Posts: 5
edited July 22, 2013 6:21AM in SQL Compare Previous Versions
Very simple case:

- I have a small testing database with just a few objects linked to the SVN repository.
- I can compare data between different revisions with GUI just fine
- But when I use this same .sdc file as a /project parameter when running sqldatacompare.exe

I get an error:
Error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

It is displayed after phases "Registering databases" and "Mapping".

This is happening when either of sources is set to "source control". Comparison between two physical databases works fine.

So my question is: Am I missing something obvious? :? Has anyone else experienced this?



  • Brian DonahueBrian Donahue Posts: 6,590 Bronze 1
    Hi Jure,

    We have indeed had several reports of this and logged it as bug SDC-1337. The problem seems to be that if you specify a repository from the "linked databases" portion of the source control dropdown, this is correctly saved into the project. If you select the repository using the URL, that is not saved into the project.

    So the workaround for now is to run SQL Data Compare (UI) on the same PC as the one where SQL Source Control is installed, and refer to the database linked into SQL Source Control, then save the project and use that project in the command-line version.

    I hope this helps!
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