
Deployment Manager v2.0 released

chirayuchirayu Posts: 79
edited June 17, 2013 1:40PM in Deployment Manager

I'm pleased to announce that we shipped Deployment Manager v2.0 today.

We've introduced a free Starter edition of Deployment Manager for small projects and for teams who want to adopt Deployment Manager gradually. With it, you can create up to five projects and deploy to up to five agents.

If you already own a Deployment Manager license, you'll need a new serial number for version 2.0. We'll be sending this over to you shortly via email.

What's new in Deployment Manager v2.0?
  • User permissions was the number one requested feature for quite some time, so we wanted to make sure that we got it right. You can now assign team members to each project, restrict which environments they are able to deploy to, and grant, or disable, temporary user accounts.
  • The RGPublish command line packager now has the ability to package IIS applications - including ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC and Silverlight applications - from source code (.csproj). You can get this tool from Deployment Manager UI -> Tools tab.
  • Added the ability to create a new app pool for new IIS application deployments by configuring the type of app pool you would like on the “variables” page. This feature is only available in IIS versions 7+. As well as specify the .Net version and identity to use.
  • Initial creation of website improved– you can specify the .Net version to use, the application pool to use and the identity to run as.
  • Audit trail is provided by every task identifying who it was run by.
  • The Tools tab gives you access to all of Deployment Manager's package publishing and command line tools.
  • The new add-ins for Visual Studio and SQL Server Management Studio make it incredibly simple to create and publish packages to Deployment Manager.
  • IE8 fixes to ensure we continue supporting it.
  • Bug fixes.
The new release of Deployment Manager is up on the Red Gate website. Existing users can update to this version by selecting the Updates option in the Settings area of their Deployment Manager Web Interface.

We want to hear from you
When you've tried Deployment Manager v2.0 we'd love to hear what you think:
  • If you have any issues, please post them on our support forum or contact our support team at support@red-gate.com.
  • If you have any suggestions for new features, enhancements, or things you would like to see, then please vote or comment on our UserVoice forum.

Chirayu Shishodiya
Software Engineer - Deployment Manager
Red Gate
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