Second /Option Parameter will be ignored in powershell
I am using the following code in powershell to compare a db
My Problem is that the second option Parameter ForceColumnOrder will be ignored. I tested it with multiple parameters and it seems that it is a general problem that the second parameter will be ignored when you call sqlcompare in powershell. Any solution for this?
function CompareDB($destServer) { $destServerAdj = $destServer -replace "\\","_" sqlcompare /Options:Default,ForceColumnOrder /scr1:..\Database /s2:$destServer /u2:user /p2:pwd /db2:DWH /ftr:.\dbcompare.scpf /sf:.\$destServerAdj"-DWH-sync".sql /force }
My Problem is that the second option Parameter ForceColumnOrder will be ignored. I tested it with multiple parameters and it seems that it is a general problem that the second parameter will be ignored when you call sqlcompare in powershell. Any solution for this?
Thank you for your post and excellent news you found the solution to your problem. I will add this to our knowledge base and hopefully other users will benefit.
Many Thanks
Senior Product Support Engineer
Redgate Software Ltd