SQL Compare 10.4 has been released

Announcing SQL Compare 10.4, available via Check for Updates or download from the link below:
http://downloads.red-gate.com/checkforu ... 4.8.87.exe
Performance Improvements
This release of SQL Compare contains significant performance improvements - up to 50% faster on script folder registration, 60% faster on the registration and 70% faster of the comparison of large databases.
Ignore With Encryption
There is also a new option to ignore WITH ENCRYPTION in textual objects (views, functions, stored procedures etc)
Other Fixes
Improved UI stability (fixed several race conditions that occasionally produced null reference exceptions, index out of range conditions or invalid operation exceptions in the UI)
SC-5862: Save project menu item now reliably disabled when no project open
SC-6215: stored procedure dependency now working better from command line
SC-6165: identical objects no longer included without specifying /include:Identical when the /report switch is used
SC-6216: command line no longer generates .NET cryto warning in event viewer
SC-5347: database extended properties now have an icon and title on interactive HTML reports
SC-5766: dropping objects which are in full text indexes will now drop references to them more reliably from script folders
SC-6071: CLR types and partition scheme unbind now interacts correctly with default constraints
SC-6147: now ensures more tables retain clustered indexes during table rebuilds on Azure
SC-5693: function dependency which was ignored when drop and create option on now picked up correctly
SC-6250: dependency ordering issue between stored procs and view triggers fixed
SC-6171: guest user no longer capitalised in revoke connect statements on case sensitive servers
SC-5850: nullref when deploying some changes to script folders now fixed
SC-6020: fixed a problem with the drop-and-create-instead-of-alter option applied to script -> script deployments
SC-6275: drift detection will now do a case-sensitive comparison on case-sensitive servers
SC-4754: assembly dependencies based on assembly content now displayed with other object dependencies
SC-6165: /report switch no longer forces identical objects to be included even when /exclude:identical is specified
SC-5384: explains situation rather than throwing an exception when clipboard locked by another application
SC-5551: now no longer crashes on startup where PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE env variable doesn't exist
SC-5657: tables with columnstore indexes now compare correctly
http://downloads.red-gate.com/checkforu ... 4.8.87.exe
Performance Improvements
This release of SQL Compare contains significant performance improvements - up to 50% faster on script folder registration, 60% faster on the registration and 70% faster of the comparison of large databases.
Ignore With Encryption
There is also a new option to ignore WITH ENCRYPTION in textual objects (views, functions, stored procedures etc)
Other Fixes
Improved UI stability (fixed several race conditions that occasionally produced null reference exceptions, index out of range conditions or invalid operation exceptions in the UI)
SC-5862: Save project menu item now reliably disabled when no project open
SC-6215: stored procedure dependency now working better from command line
SC-6165: identical objects no longer included without specifying /include:Identical when the /report switch is used
SC-6216: command line no longer generates .NET cryto warning in event viewer
SC-5347: database extended properties now have an icon and title on interactive HTML reports
SC-5766: dropping objects which are in full text indexes will now drop references to them more reliably from script folders
SC-6071: CLR types and partition scheme unbind now interacts correctly with default constraints
SC-6147: now ensures more tables retain clustered indexes during table rebuilds on Azure
SC-5693: function dependency which was ignored when drop and create option on now picked up correctly
SC-6250: dependency ordering issue between stored procs and view triggers fixed
SC-6171: guest user no longer capitalised in revoke connect statements on case sensitive servers
SC-5850: nullref when deploying some changes to script folders now fixed
SC-6020: fixed a problem with the drop-and-create-instead-of-alter option applied to script -> script deployments
SC-6275: drift detection will now do a case-sensitive comparison on case-sensitive servers
SC-4754: assembly dependencies based on assembly content now displayed with other object dependencies
SC-6165: /report switch no longer forces identical objects to be included even when /exclude:identical is specified
SC-5384: explains situation rather than throwing an exception when clipboard locked by another application
SC-5551: now no longer crashes on startup where PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE env variable doesn't exist
SC-5657: tables with columnstore indexes now compare correctly
Software Developer
Redgate Software
Redgate Software