Run out of diskspace in SQL Data compare SDK

Is there an option to set in the SQL Data Compare API to place the temp files into a different path instead of the C:\ drive?
I am comparing a large databases with many tables and the default temp files are in C drive which I don't have much empty space.
Is there an option to set in the SQL Data Compare API to place the temp files into a different path instead of the C:\ drive?
I am comparing a large databases with many tables and the default temp files are in C drive which I don't have much empty space.
It's not a method explicitly in the API but what you can do is set the "RGTEMP" environment variable value to the name of a folder on a different drive with lots of free disk space. In .NET, you can use the System.Environment object and add the RGTEMP variable to your own process. That should do the trick!
thanks for replying. I tried your suggestion, but it seems doesn't do anything - Not sure what I am missing.
I put Env variable (RGTEMP) in both user variable and System Variable and the api still doesn't recognize it.
Thanks Brian.