SQL Backup Agent restarting unexpectedly....

CorrinHarrisCorrinHarris Posts: 12
edited May 20, 2013 8:52PM in SQL Backup Previous Versions
We have 2 clustered instances of SQL that can shares nodes. Normally instance A runs on node 1 and instance B runs on node 2. Both have their own Redgate SQL Backup Agent services set up and running as clustered resouces, SQL Backup Agent-A (on node 1) and SQL Backup Agent-B (on node 2) . However we have noticed that when an instance fails over - both SQL Backup Agents seem to start/restart on the active node - we would have expected just one to start - there are no disk dependencies etc. This also happens when we manually fail back.

The only error we can find is as follows:-
Faulting application SQBCoreService.exe, version, time stamp 0x2a425e19, faulting module unknown, version, time stamp 0x00000000, exception code 0xc0000005, fault offset 0x000a000d, process id 0x1b30, application start time 0x01ce4ffceedb85c0.

Any assistance would be appreciated...


  • peteypetey Posts: 2,358 New member
    Do you mean that when a single instance fails over e.g. Instance A, then both SQL Backup Agent-A and SQL Backup Agent B restart on Instance A's active node?
    Peter Yeoh
    SQL Backup Consultant Developer
    Associate, Yohz Software
    Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8
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