DLL Merges

HaggyHaggy Posts: 2
edited April 24, 2013 7:59AM in SmartAssembly

I'm currently evaluating smartassembly, and I've some questions on best practices and how tos.

First I'm thinking about creating packaces of my application.
So For Example a "Framework.dll" instead auf 10 small dlls

Now there is not a dll which references all 9 others.

But in smartassembly I have to choose one single primary assembly.

So should I create a dummy project "FrameWorkWrapper" ? which has the dependencies ?

What is recommended to do this?


  • James BJames B Posts: 1,124 Silver 4
    Thanks for your post.

    The "main" assembly is normally the one that's called by your program. If that main DLL then has some other references that aren't directly used you can merge them, but it sounds like in your case it's a little different.

    If the main DLL doesn't reference the other ones; what does? If they are referenced by an executable, then it wouldn't be able to find the other ones once merged into the primary one (assuming you were able to do this after adding references) so you'd need to change your executable to reference the obfuscated assembly to find the various classes.

    If all the DLLs are somewhat unrelated, then your idea of creating one primary one with dependencies is probably a way around it. Otherwise you'd need to process each DLL separately with its own .saProj.
    Systems Software Engineer

    Redgate Software

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