Error when doing "Get Latest" from SQLSMS

I have a local database for development, and I get the following error when I do a Get latest via SQLSMS 2008 R2.

Failed to update file from source control: [DatabaseObjectId: Name=BBLCustomer, Owner=dbo, ObjectType=Table]. Following objects were no-oped System.Collections.Generic.List`1[RedGate.SQLSourceControl.Engine.Model.DatabaseObjectId]. Last objects no-oped were System.Collections.Generic.List`1[RedGate.SQLSourceControl.Engine.Model.DatabaseObjectId].

If we use SQL Compare 10 directly, it works just fine. if we use SQL Data Compare, it works as well.


  • Typically a no-op operation occurs when the working base is different from both the revision in source control and the DB, but where the DB and revision in source control is the same.

    Can you try unlinking and re-linking the database?

    Performing an unlink and re-link will create a new working base.
    Manfred Castro
    Product Support
    Red Gate Software
  • Thanks for the help. I tried that procedure, but the problem persisted.

    On 4/12/13 an an update for SQL Source Control became available (to and after applying that, I was able to get latest changes.
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