Feature enquiry

oceandeepoceandeep Posts: 3
edited April 3, 2013 2:41AM in SQL Compare Previous Versions

Before my purchase/trial I wish to clear my use case, I have a use case this:
1. A centralized SQL Server contains a Superset of some data
2. 10-15 clients SQL Server Express that need a Subset of such data
3. The client will create new data
4. Data of each side needed to be synchronized in every 5-10 mins

Can SQL Compare being use as the automatic sync service from a Superset to Subset (server to client) and vice versa (subset of client data increment to server)?


  • Eddie DEddie D Posts: 1,808 Rose Gold 5
    Hi Oceandeep

    Thank you for your forum post.

    Firstly, SQL Compare is not tool you need to evaluate, this would be SQL Data Compare. SQL Compare compares and deploys database objects, whilst SQL Data Compare can be used to compare and deploy data.

    Secondly SQL Compare and SQL Data Compare are not alternatives to Microsoft's SQL Server Replication Technologies. From the sceanrio you have described, it appears that you need to implement SQL Server Merge Replication.

    In theory using the Command line Interface of SQL Data Compare you configure SQL Data Compare to perform an automated deployment. From experience, the frequency you wish to synchronize is not feasible. A frequency of once or twice an hour maybe achieved and I would only recommend a one way deployment not the two way deployment you are seeking.

    I recommend that you take a look at this Knowledge Base artilce using this LINK. The article was first published in September 2008 for SQL Data Compare V6 and V7, however the advice it contains is still valid for the latest V10.

    SQL Compare and SQL Data Compare will help you deploy from the Superset server to each client in turn when you first configure the scenario you have described.

    Please download and evaluate to see if it meets your need.

    Many Thanks
    Eddie Davis
    Senior Product Support Engineer
    Redgate Software Ltd
    Email: support@red-gate.com
  • Thank you.

    I will first head for the trial according to your advise.

    Thanks a lot.
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