Deployment Manager v1.1.0 released
What’s new in Deployment Manager v1.1.0?
• Deployment Manager package feed - Deployment Manager can now host packages in its own integrated package feed. If you’re using Red Gate’s Continuous Integration resources for SQL Server and want to use the new feed, you must update to the latest version of the resources (available for download here).
• Streamlined agent installation
• Bug fixes (see below)
Package and publish database changes from SQL Server Management Studio
• You can use the new Deployment Manager SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) add-in to create and publish database packages. Download the beta version of the Deployment Manager SSMS add-in.
• For information on how to get started with the add-in, visit the website.
Bug Fixes
RGD-169 {SA} Win32Exception @ ElevationHelper.Elevate(…)
RGD-202 WaitForDeploy on CLI does not work when using deploy-release command
RGD-286 Navigating to a package step for a non-existent project causes an error
RGD-310 Add Package Step and Manage Repositories still mention NuGet
RGD-344 {SA} InvalidCastException @ _Page_Views_Shared__Layout_cshtml.Execute() in c:\ProgramData\RedGate\DeploymentAgent\Applications\Smoke test\RedGate.Deployment.Portal\\Views\Shared\_Layout.cshtml:line 142(…)
RGD-420 Agent and Server Tools windows are not in focus on startup
RGD-480 {SA} InvalidOperationException @ PortalSiteManager.ConfigureEmbeddedNuGet(…)
RGD-488 Multple packages listed on embedded feed
RGD-492 {SA} NullReferenceException @ ServerConfiguration.set_EmbeddedNuGetUri(…)
We want to hear from you
When you've tried Deployment Manager, especially the new integration with SQL Server Management Studio, we'd love to hear what you think:
• If you have any issues, please post them on our support forum or contact our support team at
• If you have any suggestions for new features, enhancements, or things you would like to see, then please vote or comment on our suggestion Forum.
• Deployment Manager package feed - Deployment Manager can now host packages in its own integrated package feed. If you’re using Red Gate’s Continuous Integration resources for SQL Server and want to use the new feed, you must update to the latest version of the resources (available for download here).
• Streamlined agent installation
• Bug fixes (see below)
Package and publish database changes from SQL Server Management Studio
• You can use the new Deployment Manager SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) add-in to create and publish database packages. Download the beta version of the Deployment Manager SSMS add-in.
• For information on how to get started with the add-in, visit the website.
Bug Fixes
RGD-169 {SA} Win32Exception @ ElevationHelper.Elevate(…)
RGD-202 WaitForDeploy on CLI does not work when using deploy-release command
RGD-286 Navigating to a package step for a non-existent project causes an error
RGD-310 Add Package Step and Manage Repositories still mention NuGet
RGD-344 {SA} InvalidCastException @ _Page_Views_Shared__Layout_cshtml.Execute() in c:\ProgramData\RedGate\DeploymentAgent\Applications\Smoke test\RedGate.Deployment.Portal\\Views\Shared\_Layout.cshtml:line 142(…)
RGD-420 Agent and Server Tools windows are not in focus on startup
RGD-480 {SA} InvalidOperationException @ PortalSiteManager.ConfigureEmbeddedNuGet(…)
RGD-488 Multple packages listed on embedded feed
RGD-492 {SA} NullReferenceException @ ServerConfiguration.set_EmbeddedNuGetUri(…)
We want to hear from you
When you've tried Deployment Manager, especially the new integration with SQL Server Management Studio, we'd love to hear what you think:
• If you have any issues, please post them on our support forum or contact our support team at
• If you have any suggestions for new features, enhancements, or things you would like to see, then please vote or comment on our suggestion Forum.
Also I had to delete the newly added built in nuget repository or else my builds failed because the build step was looking for the generated package under this repository and was not finding it.
[Publishing database package MyPackage version to ... ervice.svc] ##teamcity[buildStatus status='FAILURE' text='Publishing database package MyPackage version to [url=] ... ervice.svc[/url] failed with error InvalidOperationException']
The latest version can be found here.
Let me know if that fixes the issue. Thanks!
Software Engineer - Deployment Manager
Red Gate
I did upgrade it today. So it does not seem to be that.
My plugin version is
Just wanted to update this thread to let you know that we believe this problem should be fixed in the latest version of SQLCI (v1.0.0.945) and the TeamCity Plugin (v1.0.0.1039).
You can download them from here.
Best regards,
Redgate Software