Percentage of database free space

xdaixdai Posts: 98
Hi, I would like to set up this metric for a sql 2000 db server, but the query doesn't work, can you please assist. thanks


  • I'm sorry, but we need more information.

    Please can you email, quote the ticket number F0069786 in the subject line. Please can you include details of what you are trying to do.
  • on the custome metric for calculate percentage of database free space as below, doesn't work for sql 2000 database we try to monitor, do you have one could be use? thanks

    SELECT (AU.unallocated + AU.unused) * 100 / (AU.reserved + AU.unallocated) AS free_space_pct
    FROM (SELECT AU.reserved,
    AU.reserved - AU.used AS unused,
    CASE WHEN SF.db_size >= AU.reserved THEN (SF.db_size - AU.reserved) ELSE 0 END AS unallocated
    FROM (SELECT SUM(CAST(CASE WHEN SF.status & 64 = 0 THEN SF.size ELSE 0 END AS DECIMAL(38, 2))) AS db_size
    FROM dbo.sysfiles AS SF) AS SF
    (SELECT SUM(CAST(A.total_pages AS DECIMAL(38, 2))) AS reserved,
    SUM(CAST(A.used_pages AS DECIMAL(38, 2))) AS used
    FROM sys.partitions AS P
    sys.allocation_units AS A
    on A.container_id = P.partition_id) AS AU) AS AU;
  • the help that we have available can be found on our custom metric site

    as a general rule, if you can run the t-sql query in SSMS (or appropriate console) then it should work within a custom metric (as long as it is within the parameters specified e.g. returns a single integer value).
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