Resize Issue

cyclone21cyclone21 Posts: 3
edited February 15, 2013 12:25PM in SQL Doc Previous Versions
I am trying to document a database however there is a resizing issue with the app that prevents me from being able to document the last few tables.

I have a database with 52 tables and my monitor resolution is 1920x1080 and with this setup the scroll bars for the left and right hand panes are off the screen at the bottom and i belive the right.

I have tried maximizing and restoring and both ways I cannot see the scroll bars


  • Eddie DEddie D Posts: 1,802 Rose Gold 5
    Hi, thank you for your forum post.

    A support call has been created for you, the call reference number is F0069434.

    Can you please send an e-mail with a screen shot attached to with the above call reference in the subject field of the e-mail?

    Also have you tried a different web browser to view the generated document, for example if you normally use Internet Explorer do you experience the same error using Chrome?

    Many Thanks
    Eddie Davis
    Senior Product Support Engineer
    Redgate Software Ltd
  • Im not sure what has changed but the app seems to be resizing ok now.

    To carlify though it was not viewing the generated documentation that was the problem, it was editing it through the application itself that was. The right hand pane in the app's scroll bars were outside the bounds of the application and couldnt be manipulated
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