UK postcode unit are restricted

The final two letters, the UK postcode unit are restricted to the set ABDEFGHJLNPQRSTUWXYZ (which excludes the six letters CIKMOV)

The code on the download still has these in and is causing validation data issues has anyone a amended version?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
		name="UK PostCode"
		description="CB4 1AS, AS1 9LJ, RD4 1LB, "


		<matches field=".*Post.*Code.*" score="50" minlen="8"/>
		<matches field=".*Addr.*4" score="12" minlen="8"/>

		<type type="string"/>


  • Brian DonahueBrian Donahue Posts: 6,590 Bronze 1
    Is your previous post the regular expression that works for you? If so, I can suggest future versions of Data Generator use your regular expression.
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