Column Ordering in Comparison

When using RedGate.SQLCompare.Engine.Database CompareWith would a column re-order register as a difference in the schema.
For example if table_1 in database A looks like this
And I say
Thank you for your help.
For example if table_1 in database A looks like this
table_1 { id uniqueidentifier not null, column_one int, column_two int }and table_1 in database B looks like this
table_1 { id uniqueidentifier not null, column_two int, column_one int }
And I say
Differences differences=dbA.CompareWith(dbB, Options.Default);Will there be a difference object representing the column re-order?
Thank you for your help.
There will be a difference and a table rebuild script generated if you compare and synchronize using Options.ForceColumnOrder. If you do not include this as one of your options, or use options.Default, then column order will not be preserved and new columns will be appended to the end of the table.