Detecting backup failure via PowerShell or SQL?
Posts: 5
RG Backup
SQL Server 2008 R2
Back in October, I was helpfully shown how to list all backup history using an SQL query. Thank you, Manfred Castro.
However, I assumed that when a backup failed that it would not update MSDB..BACKUPSET.BACKUP_FINISH_DATE or LAST_LSN.
Sadly, that's not the case.
So, is there a way (and where can I find the documentation) to automate the detection of failed backups?
RG Backup
SQL Server 2008 R2
Back in October, I was helpfully shown how to list all backup history using an SQL query. Thank you, Manfred Castro.
SELECT CAST(BUS.DATABASE_NAME AS VARCHAR(30)) AS DB, CASE BUS.[type] WHEN 'D' THEN 'Full' WHEN 'I' THEN 'Incr' END as BU_Type, CAST(BUS.BACKUP_START_DATE AS CHAR(18)) AS START_TS, DATEDIFF(second, BUS.backup_start_date, BUS.backup_finish_date) AS WALL_SECS, CAST(BUS.backup_size / 1000000 AS INT) AS SIZE_MB, BUS.first_lsn, BUS.last_lsn, CAST(BUS.recovery_model AS VARCHAR(8)) AS RECOV_MODEL, CAST(BMF.physical_device_name AS VARCHAR(128)) FROM master..sysdatabases SD LEFT OUTER JOIN msdb..backupset BUS ON = BUS.database_name, MSDB..backupmediafamily BMF WHERE CAST(BUS.BACKUP_START_DATE AS DATE) = CAST(GETDATE() AS DATE) AND BUS.[TYPE] IN ('D', 'I') AND BMF.media_set_id = BUS.media_set_id AND BMF.FAMILY_SEQUENCE_NUMBER = 1 ORDER BY BUS.DATABASE_NAME,
However, I assumed that when a backup failed that it would not update MSDB..BACKUPSET.BACKUP_FINISH_DATE or LAST_LSN.
Sadly, that's not the case.
So, is there a way (and where can I find the documentation) to automate the detection of failed backups?