MS IE 10 Not showing any data!
Windows 8, IE 10 Is opening the monitor website just fine, but after that does not show any data or fault message.
Is this a known issue?
Chrome was not working correctly (slowness on the alert inbox page), now IE10 is hosted.. Leaves just Firefox as a browser.
Is this a known issue?
Chrome was not working correctly (slowness on the alert inbox page), now IE10 is hosted.. Leaves just Firefox as a browser.
This is a known issue (ref: SRP-6981). We will be fixing this very soon.
The workaround for now is to use another browser or put IE10 into compatibility mode. To do this, in IE10 hit F12 and then Alt+9 (to change 'Document Mode: Standards' to 'Document Mode: IE9 standards').
Hope this helps.
Project Manager
Red Gate Software
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Test Engineer
Red Gate