Difference list doesn't work

I'm building a tool to sync a specific list of objects
For each object i want to sync i'll set the Difference.Selected property to true, for all other objects i don't want to sync, i'll set the Difference.Selected property to false.

After that, i'll call the Work.BuildFromDifferences method;
Work.BuildFromDifferences(Differences, Options.Default, true);

Why do i see objects where the Difference.Selected prop is set the false?


  • The last time I tried this it seemed to work okay. One possibility is if the objects being included are dependencies of others - is this the case? If so, you may need to set the option to not include dependencies.

    Failing that, can you post back a code sample of how you've got it set up and details of the assembly versions you're referencing so I can try it out here?
    Systems Software Engineer

    Redgate Software

  • I can only select Options.IgnoreSynonymDependencies, but that doesn't work. The other option about dependecies is IncludeDependencies, there's no IgnoreDependencies option.

    I'm trying to synchronise a list of table valued functions.

    Here's a code fragment (in C#);
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Data.SqlClient;
    using System.Reflection;
    using RedGate.SQLCompare.Engine;
    using RedGate.Shared.SQL.ExecutionBlock;
    namespace Config.DatabaseUpdate
        class OltpFunctions
    	public static bool SyncOltpFunctionsToFile(string TargetCatalog, string TargetServer, int logType)
                bool res = true;
                string snapshotFile = Config.DataManager.ApplicationScriptPath() + "\\SnapshotProqOltp.snp";
                using (Database stagingDB = new Database(),productionDB = new Database())
                    ConnectionProperties targetConnectionProperties = new ConnectionProperties(TargetServer, TargetCatalog);
                    // Connect to the two databases and read the schema
                        Logger.Log("Loading snapshot file", 2);
                    catch (SqlException e)
                        Logger.Log(e.Message, logType);
                        res = false;
                        return res;
                        Logger.Log("Registering database " + targetConnectionProperties.DatabaseName, 2);
                        productionDB.Register(targetConnectionProperties, Options.Default);
                    catch (SqlException e)
                        Logger.Log(e.Message, logType);
                        res = false;
                        return res;
                    // Compare snapshot to production. Comparing in this order makes production the second database
                    Differences stagingVsProduction = stagingDB.CompareWith(productionDB, Options.IgnoreSynonymDependencies);
                    // Select the differences to include in the synchronization. In this case, we're using all differences.
                    foreach (Difference difference in stagingVsProduction)
                        difference.Selected = false;
                        // Only select functions
                        if (difference.DatabaseObjectType == ObjectType.Function)
                            // only fix differences or create new objects in the target database
                            if ((difference.Type == DifferenceType.Different) || (difference.Type == DifferenceType.OnlyIn1))
                                // Only select objects which start with Dim, Fact, Etl or Sec
                                if ((difference.Name.ToUpper().StartsWith("[DBO].[DIM")) || (difference.Name.ToUpper().StartsWith("[DBO].[FACT")) || (difference.Name.ToUpper().StartsWith("[DBO].[ETL")) || (difference.Name.ToUpper().StartsWith("[DBO].[SEC")))
                                    Logger.Log(string.Format("Selected objectname: {0}", difference.Name), 6);
                                    difference.Selected = true;
                    Work work = new Work();
                    // Calculate the work to do using sensible default options
                    // The script is to be run on production so the runOnTwo parameter is true
                    work.BuildFromDifferences(stagingVsProduction, Options.Default, true);
                    // We can now access the messages and warnings
                    Logger.Log("Messages:", logType);
                    foreach (Message message in work.Messages)
                        Logger.Log(message.Text, logType);
                    Logger.Log("Warnings:", logType);
                    foreach (Message message in work.Warnings)
                        Logger.Log(message.Text, logType);
                    // Disposing the execution block when it's not needed any more is important to ensure
                    // that all the temporary files are cleaned up
                    using (ExecutionBlock block = work.ExecutionBlock)
                        // Display the SQL used to synchronize
                        Logger.Log("SQL to synchronize:", logType);
                        Logger.Log(block.GetString(), logType);
                        // Finally, use a BlockExecutor to run the SQL against the WidgetProduction database
                            //BlockExecutor executor = new BlockExecutor();
                            //executor.ExecuteBlock(block, targetConnectionProperties.ServerName, targetConnectionProperties.DatabaseName);
                            // Write the sql block to a file.
                            DataManager.FileWriter(block.GetString(), @"D:\Temp\SqlToSync.sql");
                        catch (SqlException e)
                            Logger.Log(e.Message, 2);
                            res = false;
                            return res;
                        return res;
  • IncludeDependencies is a default option. To turn it off you need to explicitly select all other defaults asides from that; so replace:



    options.IgnoreFileGroups | options.IgnoreFillFactor | options.IgnoreUserProperties | options.IgnoreWhiteSpace | options.IgnoreWithElementOrder | options.IgnoreDatabaseNames | options.DecryptPost2kEncryptedObjects
    Systems Software Engineer

    Redgate Software

  • Options.IgnoreDatabaseNames doesn't exists, so i tried IgnoreDatabaseName, but the option is obsolete, so i used the recomended option IgnoreDatabaseAndServerName.
    I still receive a script with objects i don't want.

    for example, the script want's to drop constraints on tables;

    As you can see in the code fragment, I only select functions which start with a specific name.
  • OK, I tried your code here with defaults and a couple of functions and it only scripts the function that matches.

    Is it possible for you to supply your snapshot as the problem you're seeing is likely to be rather dependent on the specifics of your DB. If so, please mail it to support@red-gate.com quoting F0067161 in the subject line.
    Systems Software Engineer

    Redgate Software

  • I can't provide the snapshot in the current shape. I'll have to strip the database and make a new snapshot.
  • Sure- otherwise, it's probably just down to the objects that function relates to so a simple repro should also suffice track it down.
    Systems Software Engineer

    Redgate Software

  • Thanks for supplying the snapshot. It does look like dependencies- I loaded up your snapshot in your sample code and found that it was also scripting some tables.

    Amending the options as I described earlier stops that - here's the correct line (notice it's the options at the point of building your 'work' that's important as the dependencies are included (or not) during the sync phase usually)
                    // Calculate the work to do using sensible default options 
                    // The script is to be run on production so the runOnTwo parameter is true 
                    work.BuildFromDifferences(stagingVsProduction, Options.IgnoreFileGroups | Options.IgnoreFillFactor | Options.IgnoreUserProperties | Options.IgnoreWhiteSpace | Options.IgnoreWithElementOrder | Options.IgnoreDatabaseAndServerName | Options.DecryptPost2kEncryptedObjects, true);
    Systems Software Engineer

    Redgate Software

  • Ok, thanks. This works for me.
  • Glad that's sorted. Post back or email us if you need anything further!
    Systems Software Engineer

    Redgate Software

  • Hi
    I have the same problem and i Need to exclude dependecies from the difference list.

    So as described in the post I have added the list of options

    work.BuildFromDifferences(differences, Options.IgnoreUserProperties | Options.IgnoreWhiteSpace | Options.IgnoreWithElementOrder | Options.IgnoreDatabaseAndServerName | Options.DecryptPost2kEncryptedObjects, true);

    But when I go to compile the project I got this error.

    Operator '|' cannot be applied to operands of type ' RedGate.SQLCompare.Engine.Options' and 'RedGate.SQLCompare.Engine.Options'

    Any Idea on how to solve?

    I'm Using Visual Studio 2013 and SQL Comparison SDK 10.5

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