Cannot Retrieve Objects

dpalazottodpalazotto Posts: 8
edited November 15, 2012 10:11AM in SQL Prompt Previous Versions
I'm getting the following error when 'Refreshing Suggestions':
"Cannot Retrieve Objects"....

The SQL Prompt Log File shows the following:

15 Nov 2012 13:36:54,209 [1] WARN RedGate.SQLPrompt.CommonUI.Editor.EditorWindowBase - Cache had warnings
System.Exception: Trying to override a key: '@tx_id'
at ...(String , )
at ..Add(String , )
at ..(String , )
at ..(IParameterCandidate )
at RedGate.SqlPrompt.Metadata.Candidates.ParameterCandidate..ctor(String name, IDataType datatype, IParameterHolder owner, Boolean isOutput, Int16 length, Int16 colOrder)
at ..(IDataReader , IDictionary`2 , IDictionary`2 , IDictionary`2 , Int64 )
at ..()

Any Thoughts?


  • Eddie DEddie D Posts: 1,800 Rose Gold 5
    Hi, I believe that you contacted us via the Live Support portal on our web site earlier today and support call F0066832 was created for you.

    The database that you are refreshing, does it contain encrypted objects?

    I ask the question from the log file you provided, SQL Prompt is attempting to decrypt some encrypted objects and your user account cannot decrypt these objects as per this information in the log file:

    15 Nov 2012 13:27:29,380 [1] WARN RedGate.SQLPrompt.CommonUI.Editor.EditorWindowBase - Cache had warnings
    RedGate.SqlPrompt.Metadata.Metadata_Interfaces.DecryptionException: No permissions to decrypt objects. ---> .: GetObjectID: No object found

    The important part - No permissions to decrypt objects.

    I suspect that it may be necessary to have grant VIEW SERVER STATE rights to access information about encryption keys and encrypted objects.

    Many Thanks
    Eddie Davis
    Senior Product Support Engineer
    Redgate Software Ltd
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