ToolKit - Differences

Hi Ruvan,
> I am currently implementing a deploy tool that uses your ToolKit
> extensively.
> I am very satisfied with your product.
Nice to hear that! The SDK isn't going to include any of the GUI functions.
We've written our own code for the grids and other GUI elements as well, but
there are some nice grid components on the market by DevExpress
The bit that re-orders lines of SQL Code so that they match is also part of
the UI layer of the program sadly. I'd like to see that in the Engine
Brian Donahue
Red Gate Technical Support
"Ruvan Fernando" <rufe@[REMOVE-THIS]NETPEOPLE.DK> wrote in message
> Hi
> I am currently implementing a deploy tool that uses your ToolKit
> extensively.
> I am very satisfied with your product.
> I am wondering if any of your objects support the nice differences display
> window used in the GUI version. Are you planning to implement anything
> similar to that functionality directly into the SDK?
> If not, do you know of any good 3rd party products for visually displaying
> source code differences?
> Thanks,
> Ruvan Fernando
> System Developer
> NetPeople A/S
> Denmark
> I am currently implementing a deploy tool that uses your ToolKit
> extensively.
> I am very satisfied with your product.
Nice to hear that! The SDK isn't going to include any of the GUI functions.
We've written our own code for the grids and other GUI elements as well, but
there are some nice grid components on the market by DevExpress
The bit that re-orders lines of SQL Code so that they match is also part of
the UI layer of the program sadly. I'd like to see that in the Engine
Brian Donahue
Red Gate Technical Support
"Ruvan Fernando" <rufe@[REMOVE-THIS]NETPEOPLE.DK> wrote in message
> Hi
> I am currently implementing a deploy tool that uses your ToolKit
> extensively.
> I am very satisfied with your product.
> I am wondering if any of your objects support the nice differences display
> window used in the GUI version. Are you planning to implement anything
> similar to that functionality directly into the SDK?
> If not, do you know of any good 3rd party products for visually displaying
> source code differences?
> Thanks,
> Ruvan Fernando
> System Developer
> NetPeople A/S
> Denmark
This discussion has been closed.