Config on the Machine unreachable alert

mipe10mipe10 Posts: 72 New member
edited October 25, 2012 7:19AM in SQL Monitor Previous Versions
I'm trying to find out exactly when this alert is triggered. From the description
”This alert will be raised when a host machine does not respond to a ping request from the SQL Monitor Base Monitor service. When the machine becomes reachable again, the alert will be marked automatically as Ended.” I draw the conclusion that one lost ping triggers the alarm – is that correct? Can that be changed in the xml config file? More importantly can this be changed per monitored Server/instance? The reason I ask is that we have a database cluster connected by a VPN tunnel to the monitoring system and it's not unusual to lose a ping once in a while.


  • My understanding of the alert is that it will fire when the machine does not respond to the following series of pings:

    - 5 pings
    - wait 5 seconds
    - 5 more pings

    This was designed to allow for the scenario where the occasional ping is 'lost' or fails but still sensitive enough to alert you when the machine does go down.
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