VirtualDisk Size not being acknowledged by Virtual Restore
I am having issues with respect to the VirtualDiskSize config option. I have set it to 1000 based upon a database sized at 467gb original uncrompressed size. The backup files are approximately 67gb and are split into two files each approximately 33gb. When running virtual restores of these backups virtual restore will not create and mount the vmdf and vldf's without having expected uncompressed capacity available on the target SQL Server. Not sure why this behavior is occurring but given the objective of the use of Virtual Restore for our test/lab environments we were optimistic this would reduce our total capacity requirements for environment. Any ideas as to why this functionality doesn’t work with our backups?
SQL Server Version: 2005 Enterprise X64 SP3
Windows Version: 2003 Enterprise X64 SP2
Hyperbac version: (patch sent from support for prior issue related to restarts of server)
Please advise on how to get past this issue.
SQL Server Version: 2005 Enterprise X64 SP3
Windows Version: 2003 Enterprise X64 SP2
Hyperbac version: (patch sent from support for prior issue related to restarts of server)
Please advise on how to get past this issue.