databases and objects to document; column selection

Hello, I was hoping to either post a possible enhancement request, or if someone could tell me a way this can be completed . . .
We only need to generate a document that does not contain ALL columns in given tables. While I know I can generate the document for the multiple tables and then go in and delete each row I dont want them to see before sending the document, I was hoping there is an easier way, or a way that could be submitted for enhancement of having each column selectable for inclusion or exclusion with in the databases and objects to document - in other words add a nother sub level of the current tree stucture that would let you be able to 'check mark' to include or disculde specific columns for output. Thoughts? Can this already be done BEFORE document generation? Thanks for any feedback.
We only need to generate a document that does not contain ALL columns in given tables. While I know I can generate the document for the multiple tables and then go in and delete each row I dont want them to see before sending the document, I was hoping there is an easier way, or a way that could be submitted for enhancement of having each column selectable for inclusion or exclusion with in the databases and objects to document - in other words add a nother sub level of the current tree stucture that would let you be able to 'check mark' to include or disculde specific columns for output. Thoughts? Can this already be done BEFORE document generation? Thanks for any feedback.
Sadly, SQL Doc does not allow you to be able to include or exclude columns from tables or views for any given table before the generation of the document.
Therefore I submitted a Feature Request on your behalf, the reference number for this request is SDOC-1500. I cannot guarantee that this request will be successful, or if approval is given what future version of SQL Doc it will appear in.
Thank you for your suggestion.
Many Thanks
Senior Product Support Engineer
Redgate Software Ltd