Problem with stored procedure with is_member function

I have following situation:
On one developer server I have stored procedure like this:
Server3\birin is local Window group on that server.
I try to sync another database on another server. That server doesn't have that local group (it't ok, becouse I use that server as backup server).
When I try to sync I have that script:
The following error message was returned from the SQL Server:
[15401] Windows NT user or group 'SERVER3\Birin_Uprava' not found. Check the name again.
The following SQL command caused the error:
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM master.dbo.syslogins WHERE loginname = N'SERVER3\Birin_Uprava')
exec sp_grantlogin N'SERVER3\Birin_Uprava'
The following messages were returned from the SQL Server:
[5701] Changed database context to 'birin'.
[5703] Changed language setting to us_english.
My question is:
Why SQL compare generate this part:
Is_member ('server3\Uprava') returs NULL if 'server3\uprava' doesn't exists on server.
If I try to create Stored procedure through QA and put there just
It works (As I expected)
I have following situation:
On one developer server I have stored procedure like this:
CREATE PROCEDURE spG_Test as select is_member('server3\birin') GO
Server3\birin is local Window group on that server.
I try to sync another database on another server. That server doesn't have that local group (it't ok, becouse I use that server as backup server).
When I try to sync I have that script:
/* Script created by SQL Compare from Red Gate Software Ltd at 12.12.2005 14:39:00 Run this script on bogibatina.birin to make it the same as server3.birin Please back up your database before running this script */ SET NUMERIC_ROUNDABORT OFF GO SET ANSI_PADDING, ANSI_WARNINGS, CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL, ARITHABORT, QUOTED_IDENTIFIER, ANSI_NULLS ON GO IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM tempdb..sysobjects WHERE id=OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tmpErrors')) DROP TABLE #tmpErrors GO CREATE TABLE #tmpErrors (Error int) GO SET XACT_ABORT ON GO SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE GO IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM master.dbo.syslogins WHERE loginname = N'SERVER3\Birin_Uprava') exec sp_grantlogin N'SERVER3\Birin_Uprava' GO sp_grantdbaccess N'SERVER3\Birin_Uprava', N'SERVER3\Birin_Uprava' GO BEGIN TRANSACTION GO PRINT N'Creating [dbo].[spG_Test]' GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO CREATE PROCEDURE spG_Test as select is_member('server3\birin') GO IF @@ERROR<>0 AND @@TRANCOUNT>0 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION GO IF @@TRANCOUNT=0 BEGIN INSERT INTO #tmpErrors (Error) SELECT 1 BEGIN TRANSACTION END GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM #tmpErrors) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION GO IF @@TRANCOUNT>0 BEGIN PRINT 'The database update succeeded' COMMIT TRANSACTION END ELSE PRINT 'The database update failed' GO DROP TABLE #tmpErrors GO
The following error message was returned from the SQL Server:
[15401] Windows NT user or group 'SERVER3\Birin_Uprava' not found. Check the name again.
The following SQL command caused the error:
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM master.dbo.syslogins WHERE loginname = N'SERVER3\Birin_Uprava')
exec sp_grantlogin N'SERVER3\Birin_Uprava'
The following messages were returned from the SQL Server:
[5701] Changed database context to 'birin'.
[5703] Changed language setting to us_english.
My question is:
Why SQL compare generate this part:
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM master.dbo.syslogins WHERE loginname = N'SERVER3\Birin_Uprava') exec sp_grantlogin N'SERVER3\Birin_Uprava' GO sp_grantdbaccess N'SERVER3\Birin_Uprava', N'SERVER3\Birin_Uprava' GO
Is_member ('server3\Uprava') returs NULL if 'server3\uprava' doesn't exists on server.
If I try to create Stored procedure through QA and put there just
CREATE PROCEDURE spG_Test as select is_member('server3\birin') GO
It works (As I expected)
This discussion has been closed.
this is rather interesting. Do I understand it right that you try to synchronize only this above stored procedure and the user is included as a dependent of this stored procedure? Could you check that the user is not explicitly selected for synchronization? Note that we create the user for that login if the user is selected explicitly or as a dependent (either as owner, or as a principal that has permissions on a particular object). The later can be surpressed by the "Ignore permissions" option.
Red Gate Software Ltd.
It is true.
In options I include:
Ignore permissions
Ignore user parmision and role membership
Ignore users properties in cimparision.
I Include manualy only one store procedure to sync.
After that (when it can't sync) I create that test procedure and try it again.
It failes.
I try it on SQL 2000.