Windows XP style...

COBRASoftCOBRASoft Posts: 8
edited December 8, 2005 9:43AM in SQL Compare Previous Versions

This is again just a suggestion. Why don't you add XP-style to scrollbars and so? Since you are using .Net, this should be a big problem (add a manifest file, this should already help a lot normally).



  • Sigurd,

    You might not believe this but the manifest files cause strange behaviour with code sometimes. We've narrowed this down to ODBC libraries on some systems wrongly loading certain common controls which conflict with the manifest files. Weird but true.
    - Neil Davidson
    Red Gate Software Ltd
  • Hey,

    What common controls? Perhaps you can replace them with components of DevExpress, Janus or Infragistics?

    I had this problem too in VB6, but, then I switched to .Net and my manifest problmes were gone.

  • I think it was the progress dialog control. The file open dialog also appeared odd (ie it didn't always appear). We discovered the cause of problem too late to do anything about it.
    - Neil Davidson
    Red Gate Software Ltd
  • Did you try it after installing the latest updates of .Net and Windows?
  • The problem's only with certain systems. It doesn't happen if people are fully
    up to date, but only on a very small number of configurations (maybe 1-5%) which is enough not to be acceptable.
    - Neil Davidson
    Red Gate Software Ltd
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