Error monitoring Clustered SQL server

Getting the error: Unreachable (Cannot connect)
The log reads as follows:
18 Jun 2012 9:12 AM SQL Ping Connected
18 Jun 2012 9:12 AM Registry OpenRegistryHive: PerformanceData Cannot connect Win32Exception The network path was not found
18 Jun 2012 9:12 AM Registry OpenRegistryHive: LocalMachine Cannot connect Win32Exception The network path was not found
What is the typical cause of this issue? We've got two two box clusters configured in similar fashions, and one works while the other shows this error.
The log reads as follows:
18 Jun 2012 9:12 AM SQL Ping Connected
18 Jun 2012 9:12 AM Registry OpenRegistryHive: PerformanceData Cannot connect Win32Exception The network path was not found
18 Jun 2012 9:12 AM Registry OpenRegistryHive: LocalMachine Cannot connect Win32Exception The network path was not found
What is the typical cause of this issue? We've got two two box clusters configured in similar fashions, and one works while the other shows this error.
Comments ... 469857.htm
They all worked properly. Now I'm really stumped.
Actually, I can not remote connect to the registry at the SQL cluster's address, but I can at the Windows cluster, the DTC cluster, or either node of the cluster's address.
When you add a cluster to SQL Monitor, it's importand to specify the server using the node name. It works best to just add all instances. Say you have a cluster with two nodes, NODEA and NODEB. You would add NODEA\*. SQL Monitor will query the registry of NODEA to work out all of the other participating nodes and configure the remote registry, SQL, and WMI connections accordingly.
Our network administrator found the solution: