Create a database script.

prwprw Posts: 4
edited June 14, 2012 2:03PM in SQL Compare Previous Versions
I'm trying to use SQLCompare to create a script of a current database but don't appear to be able to get it to work to produce the script as one script rather than all the objects as an individual script for each object.

There doesn't appear to be any option to make this possible ?


  • James BJames B Posts: 1,124 Silver 4
    Thanks for your post.

    If you're using the "make scripts" option, this is to create a set of scripts that represent a database for further comparisons.

    If you compare to a blank database, then it will generate one script to create all the objects; but the database needs to exist to begin with. There's nothing to stop you editing the generated script to include the create database command at the beginning though.

    Depending on what you're trying to achieve, you may also want to look at SQL Packager - this can generate an .exe you can run to create a database.
    Systems Software Engineer

    Redgate Software

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