Command Line interface

Is there anyway I can automate the deployment?
I can't care less about security, consistency or any other side effects.
I can't care less about security, consistency or any other side effects.
There is some information about how to use the Data Compare for Oracle command line here: ... o_using_cl
I'm monitoring this now so please post any questions below or email us on
I've looked through the help and have used the command line to generate a script to be used later but now I need to deploy that script. Is there a way to deploy the script from the command line without having the project do the compare again?
Once you have the script saved (it's just a .sql script) you could use your editor from the command line to run it, for example: ... and-prompt
Would that work for you?
Best regards,
There are several suggested solutions to that issue posted here: ... ID=2217135
If the script is <50mb I'd probably try SQL Developer, else would any of the other solutions suit?
I don't know sql *loader yet but it looks like it expects a csv file...I'll look at this next.
I may be going at this the wrong way...after building my schema from the schema compare maybe I can use a flashpoint or some type of back up to get the data back in there.